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No Web Design Vacancies Bloemfontein

No Web Design Vacancies Here

No, we don't mean you. We mean the industry. On a weekly basis we receive about two CVs from students or young designers that are looking for a web design job. And it's with great sadness that we can't employ each and everyone of them. We'd love to but it's just not possible.

Email Marketing Bloemfontein

How Not To Send Your Email Campaign

I gave some good thought before writing this post. However, the reason I decided to continue with it was to educate anyone reading this post and hopefully this company too.

This is not a personal attack towards Z2A Village, but the way this campaign has been executed showed me that they didn't do a lot of homework or perhaps their team lacks the necessary skills to successfully launch an Email Marketing campaign.

Allow to me to point out their errors and show you how they could have made this campaign really great.

Color Usage For Web Design

The Meaning Of Color (Color Usage)

Describing the emotional connections that people can have with colors can be a very hippy-esque topic. If you find that hard to believe, just head over to your favorite online music store and sample some tracks from Colors by Ken Nordine. Although most designers will stop short at relying solely on the supposed meanings, characteristics, and personalities of specific colors, it’s still handy to have an understanding of the emotional attributes of some of the main color groups.

Web Design Bloemfontein

With over 10 years of experience in the web development industry you can rest assure that you're company website, hosting and online marketing strategies will be placed in qualified staff's hands at Web Design Bloemfontein.

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